At PCC LEAH we come together as parents to support each other and our educational goals for our children with a Christ centered emphasis. We provide several regular on-going educational opportunities and attempt to generate an atmosphere to help you as parents explore new potential for your children's education. Here are some of our regular programs...
On Fridays, during two ten-week sessions (one in the fall and one in the winter/spring), parents share their talents by working together and teaching different age-appropriate classes to enrich their individual home school experience. Classes are held throughout Pittsford Community Church from 9am-2:30pm for ages 2 - 12th grade..
Visitor’s Day - a day when friends, family, or potential attendees can come visit and see what happens at Friday co-op.
High School Extension - Many of our core high school classes (e.g., science, history, English) need more than the 20 weeks to complete. These core classes are extended so students can finish the required course work with the same instructors and classmates received during the Friday Co-Op sessions.
Field Trips
PCC LEAH members often sponsor short excursions, day trips, or multi-day vacations to places throughout the North East for the whole family. There are fairly regular visits to local places such as the Strong, Genesee Country Village, or the Seneca Park Zoo. Bigger trips have been put together to Philadelphia, Colonial Williamsburg, the Jamestown Settlement, Boston, and the Plimoth Plantation.

First Lego League
PCC LEAH has sponsored several successful First Lego League teams where member children 9-14 send Lego robots to compete against other teams throughout the region on a playing field also made of Legos.

Talent Night
An annual event allowing students of all ages to perform before an audience of members and families featuring everything from karate and cooking demonstrations, musical and dance performances, short skits, and recitations.
Project Night
Members and family and friends are welcome to our annual event modeled after a traditional science fair, but more open. Students are encouraged to show off and display any of their works from art, written works, history and science displays or any other of interest that can be displayed or demonstrated.
Rochester Children’s Theater at Nazareth College
Various children’s plays are performed for school aged children at a discounted prices.
Standardized Testing Week
PCC LEAH sponsors 3 days of IOWA and Stanford testing for grades 3rd - 12th with approved test administrators. PASS testing is also available to be completed in the home for grades 3rd - 8th.
Parent Teaching Support
Chapter Meetings - Chapter meetings are held in the evening a few times a year for parents to address topics specific to home schooling or specific to our chapter. These meetings offer parents practical help in home schooling by covering topics like home schooling with toddlers, teaching reading and math, NY state paperwork or writing a transcript in High school.
Annual Curriculum Share Night - Moms bring their favorite curriculum of the year to share with other moms. It's a great time to learn about new curricula that others have used and LOVED!
Used Curriculum Sale - Our annual sale for home school materials. Member families buy table space for a nominal fee to sell used curricula to attendees. Member families may shop for free and others home school families are invited to shop for a small fee.
LEAH Convention - A regional convention for all LEAH members in the Finger Lakes region and all of upstate NY. The convention features a large vendor hall and speakers covering a wide range of topical talks that are interesting and relevant to home school families. There is also a teen track for junior and senior high students.
NYS LEAH Commencement Ceremony
A graduation for all LEAH members in Upstate New York. Graduating home school students walk fully gowned and are presented their diplomas by their parent or parents. Please note that sign up for this is in December-February.
Other Co-Ops and Groups
Families are encouraged to come up with new ideas for co-ops or groups and gather with other member families to help support each other. We've had all kinds of co-ops, groups, and clubs. What new groups would you like to see? What can you come up with?