PCC LEAH Registration

Your membership will await confirmation until all paperwork is processed by PCC LEAH Chapter Leaders. You also must agree to the statement of faith (below), enter your children's information, and submit payment. You will also need to go to Homeschool New York State LEAH website <a href="https://portal.leah.org/plans/leah-memberships/">(https://portal.leah.org/plans/leah-memberships/)</a> and sign up for your state membership for $30 unless you have already done so to complete your membership.

<span id="AccountInformation">Account Information</span>

(passwords must be 7 characters or more)

Contact Information

Educational Information


Legislative Information

Volunteer Selection


Statement of Faith

<i>Please remember your login email and password. They will be used to log into this site later.<br>You will be prompted to add your children and payment information once you proceed to the next registration step.</i>